20th Anniversary Gala News Alert

May has certainly been an exciting time for Welfare Rights Initiative!  Hunter College students from the 20th cohort of our Community Leadership Program are busy finishing up their advocacy activities and academic work as we approach graduation. Last week, our outstanding alum, Shawnta Alston in her signature hat, was a featured speaker at the New York Women’s Foundation’s annual breakfast (see photo below).  Shawnta is a wonderful example of our gifted alumni. shawnta  


We were so proud to be in the room as Shawnta stood before an audience of 3,000 inspirational women and shared her story.





We look forward to closing out this amazing month by celebrating the joy and accomplishment of WRI’s past two decades. We hope you will join us for the 20th Anniversary Benefit Gala on Thursday, May 28th 6:30pm.

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